A passenger identified as Obiajulu Uja, who initiated a lone protest against the President-elect, Bola Tinubu, aboard an Abuja-Lagos flight has been arraigned before the Zuba Magistrates’ Court in Abuja.
Obiajulu was remanded in prison custody after being charged with “public nuisance, resistance to a lawful arrest, threatening violence and conduct likely to cause a breach of peace.”
Uja’s lawyer, Ejike Ugwu, disclosed the development on Monday, adding that his client was admitted to the Muhammadu Buhari Police Hospital in Abuja, which lacked a psychiatrist doctor and psychologist to examine him.
The lawyer claimed that the police hurriedly charged Uja to court instead of waiting for the doctor invited from the National Hospital in Abuja to examine him.
“We reminded the court that the same police invited the doctor to examine him, and the same police instead of waiting for the doctors to examine him hurriedly charged him to court,”
Ugwu said, adding that his client’s bail application was scheduled for Thursday. Uja had held up the aircraft for over an hour, and it took the efforts of six airport security officers to evacuate him after he started the protest.
A video of the incident went viral on Saturday. The police accused Uja of threatening violence and causing a breach of peace with his actions.