Interesting Things to know about the Cannabis

Cannabis has garnered considerable popularity, thanks to its powerful medicinal properties. If you haven’t incorporated cannabis into your health and wellness routine, then you’re missing out on its research-backed health and dietary benefits.

Today, more and more countries are tending towards legalizing cannabis, mostly for medical use. In addition to the above conditions, effective CBD Oil also has positive effects on appetite, thanks to its nausea-relieving properties. Extracts from the plant also come with mood-elevating and energy-boosting effects.

In this article, we include some of the fascinating facts about cannabis that you need to know.

Cannabis Has Been Around For Some Time

Before the 1960s, cannabis was a taboo herb in many cultures around the world. But unknown to many people, the herb has been around from time immemorial. According to recent research, cannabis has been used for thousands of years, particularly in Asia and the Far East.

Cannabis seeds were popular culinary ingredients in ancient China. The ancient Chinese also used cannabis to make rope, oil, paper, and textiles.

However, it was in the late 1800s that claims on the potential therapeutic properties of cannabis began to emerge. After various research studies verified these claims and the popularity of the cannabis plant has been on a steady rise.

In addition to the above conditions, cannabis oil Canada also has positive effects on appetite, thanks to its nausea-relieving properties. Extracts from the plant also come with mood-elevating and energy-boosting effects.

Cannabis Impacts Your Endocannabinoid System

Cannabis interacts with your body by affecting your endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) refers to a system within the body of animals that plays a crucial role in regulating normal homeostatic balance.

Some of the functions that the ECS offers include relief from pain, anxiety, inflammation, regulation of appetite and circadian rhythms, etc. To perform these functions, the ECS relies on a system of endogenous cannabinoids, endocannabinoid receptors, and a series of hormones.

While the endocannabinoid system is generally efficient at performing its role, it may get overwhelmed, depending on the severity of a medical condition and general immunity.. That’s where cannabis comes in.

When you consume a cannabis product, the cannabinoids in the product (known as phytocannabinoids) enter your endocannabinoid system and improve the functions of your endogenous cannabinoids. Essentially, cannabis binds directly or indirectly to your primary endocannabinoid receptors, particularly CB1 and CB2 receptors. The result of these bindings is a faster relief from pain, anxiety, seizures, etc. So always buy weed online from reputable retailers to reap therapeutic benefits.

Cannabis Impacts Men and Women Differently

Despite the near-similarity in body chemistry, cannabis causes varied interactions in men and women. According to research, women develop a tolerance for cannabis much faster compared to men.

So, if a man and woman start smoking the same amount of cannabis, the woman will likely increase their dose sooner than the man can. That’s because a higher tolerance means that you require more cannabis in your system to bring about the targeted medicinal effects.

The primary reason behind the difference in cannabis interactions between men and women arises from the variance in hormone levels between the two genders. For instance, women tend to be more sensitive to THC during ovulation.

Cannabis Doesn’t Have an Ideal Dose

Last but not least, cannabis has no ideal dose. That’s why medical doctors can only recommend, not prescribe, cannabis products.

The amount of cannabis to consume depends on a variety of factors, including;

  • Your age and body size – Younger and small-bodied people should experiment with lower doses
  • Your body chemistry – This includes aspects like sensitivity, tolerance, or aversion to cannabis products.
  • The method of administration – Certain methods of administration, such as smoking, vaping, or consuming best marijuana seeds are considered more effective.
  • The condition you’re trying to treat – The more severe the condition, the higher the doses.
  • Whether you’re a new or seasoned user – New cannabis users should start with low doses and work their way up till they achieve their ideal dose, also known as the sweet spot.

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