Shares of Prothena Corporation $PRTA
Shares of $PRTA increased 16.82% , Callon Petroleum Co $CPE went up 9.74% while Bonanza Creek Energy $BCEI 9.13% among other stocks making the headlines. We have highlighted below some of the reasons for the price movements.
Prothena Corporation $PRTA
Shares of $PRTA increase 16.82% in Wednesday’s session. The stock opened at $22.71 to close trading at $25.40 per share price.
Callon Petroleum Co $CPE
Shares of oil companies traded higher amid a blockage in Suez Canal which has caused supply concerns and lifted oil prices. The stock went up 9.74% opening at $34.60 to close at $36.39 per share price.
Bonanza Creek Energy $BCEI
$BCEI shares traded with their normal range but increased 9.13% after opening at $31.96 to close at $33.94.
Live Oak Bacanshares Inc $LOB
shares of $LOB went up 7.23% after opening at $61.75 to close at $65.10 per share.