Harishkumar Mehta is the Non-executive Director of Tiso Blackstar, he was instrumental in the expansion of Uniprint, which was founded over 90 years ago, to 60 times its original size.
Uniprint was acquired by Avusa, now Times Media Group Proprietary Limited, in 2010. Harish is non-executive chairman of Tiso Blackstar’s wholly owned subsidiary Times Media Group Proprietary Limited, Cibapac Proprietary Limited and Wasteman Holdings Proprietary Limited and is a non-executive director of Spar Limited and Redefine Income Fund Limited.
In addition he is a member of the Kwa-Zulu Natal Provincial Board of FNB and the Durban Country Club Trust and many other community organisations. He holds a Diploma in Printing Technology (Leeds, UK), BSc Industrial Engineering (University of Wisconsin, USA), MBA (University of Wisconsin, USA). He is currently executive chairman and CEO of Clearwater Capital, a family fund.