John Bester is the Non-Executive Director of Tower Property Fund, he has been involved in the accounting profession for 16 years and in commerce and industry for 30 years.
John Bester was a partner of the audit firm Ernst & Young. He was responsible for the restructuring and the listing of Norwich Holdings Ltd, leading a team of professionals who successfully listed the company on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
John Bester is a past Chairman of the Board of Barnard Jacobs Mellet Limited (was listed on the JSE) and was an independent non-executive director as well as chairman of their Remuneration Committee. He was a non-executive director of the Paramount Properties Group Limited, as JSE listed company until it was taken over.
He was a member of the Audit Committee. John Bester chaired the Financial and Commercial Committee of Cricket South Africa as well as serving on the Board of CSA and was a member of CSA’s Audit and Remuneration Committees until February 2013.