GDM Direct, an experiential marketing agency said it has retained Nestle below-the-line account till 2018.
In an email statement, the company said that no fewer than 20-30 respected experiential agencies pitched for the multimillion Nestle account which was eventually won by GDM Direct.
Victor Afolabi, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of GDM Direct said, “what has been really working for us is the value we offer our clients. No doubt, we are committed to a continuous improvement. And I think when you begin to retain accounts of that magnitude despite pitching with an average of 20-30 BTL agencies all known names, what the client saw is your value. I believe what Nestle has seen, as we find ourselves in a contract with them till 2018 is that they have seen value in our operations with them over the years. We have partnered with them in growing their numbers and businesses, and also driving their product launches.”
“At GDM, we have grown our competences over the years. Our digital competence has added value to a lot of clients, and not only Nestle. It has helped us in securing this account and even across all our accounts as we grow. We have improved in how we carry out many field research, monitoring and control with our monitoring tools driven by our investments in technology in the last 12 months,” he said.
GDM disclosed that it has won an impressive numbers of accounts which have added to the agency’s growing clientele base. In terms of the number of accounts and the billings, GDM is arguably the BTL to beat from the facts and figures compared to its competitors.
Afolabi added that “we are yet to see any agency which has been able to have as much growth as we had last year, just in case any agency has their numbers under their pillow, but it so clear with the ones that have been made available that GDM is clearly leading the industry in billings and the number of brands.
“Our profitability was not as exciting as it would have been in a buoyant economy, however, we are excited about the fact that we have grown top line and sales. We have grown competence, we have grown capacity and basically, those are the things that will eventually pay off when the economy begins to go the upward swing.”
GDM Direct said it plans to be the leading below-the-line business solutions provider to companies in emerging economies, the agency has continued to improve on its creativity and innovation.